Summer feel movies

 Long time no see!  Actually, I almost couldn't go to theater because coronavirus. So I used some movie apps. Today I’d like to talk about some movies I've watched this summer. These movies make me feel the summer mood. And a good scene of view. 

First  I recommend Finding NEMO and Finding DORY. These are very popular and famous Disney PIXAR's movies. Almost scene in the sea so you feel cool. My favorite scene is Dory talking with a whale. And my favorite sound track is here. By the way Tokyo Disney Sea have attraction of Finding NEMO. I love it. So cute. You will enjoy it.

Second is Stand By Me. This movie was released in 1986. This movie is a young youth adventure story. Four boys looking for a dead body. And a fight and make a bond. last scene’s music makes me impressed and excited. I thought this movie was really good. I recommend it. You will remember when child memories. 

Finally is Call Me By Your Name. This movie is about two boys. The story is a memory of a summer in Italy. Italy’s view is good and refreshing. Timothée Chalamet is handsome. By the way, I watched this movie in the middle of summer evening. So I feel very comfortable. Also the soundtrack is good. here. 

These movies makes you comfortable and summer feel. Video is beautiful. Recently a getting cold weather, but it's a perfect movie for the end of summer. I think movie is very good things for me. I hope coronavirus done, and I want to go to theater many times. Movie makes me happy! By the way I'm going to buy plojecter for room size, next amazon prime sale. Im looking forward to!
